Seasun first started playing football at age 6 when she played co-ed flag football. The Coaches came to her parents and said they were concerned that she was just "too aggressive". The next year, age 7, they put her in Youth Tackle Football with the North Oxnard Warriors. SHE EXCELLED and says her favorite part was winning "Queen (normally King) of the Ring" at practice.
Last year the North Oxnard Warriors took it all the way to the Superbowl but were defeated by Santa Clarita. This year the Warriors played the same Santa Clarita team in week 1 and Warriors won 34-6. Seasun is now 12 years old, 185 lbs and can deadlift her own weight. She has been called by many parents and parents of opposing teams the best Left Tackle in her Juniors Division of PYFL. Seasun & her team of football brothers are 7-0 with one game left before 2019 playoffs.
Let's wish Seasun and her squad good luck in the big game!
